Saturday, August 11, 2018

What's in a {Blog} Name?

You may be wondering how I decided on a name for a blog. I wanted something short and simple, but something that went along with "Pate", since that's a nickname that a lot of people call me. I originally looked for words that rhyme with "Pate". Spoiler alert: those are few and far between. Ha! I can't remember if I just randomly thought of this word, or if it popped up on Google. Precisely. I thought "hmm. This could be it." I looked up the definition and I knew.

pre-cise-ly: adverb. in exact terms; without vagueness

That was it. Precisely Pate. I feel like that describes me. I'm just me: nothing more, nothing less. I'm very exact. Very simple. Very forward. I've never been one to hide things, not one to hide how I feel, not one to keep stuff from people. I don't hide things from people. I don't brag about my struggles or share them for attention, but I don't hide them. I'm not one to pretend like everything is okay when it's not. I try to be real. There's not a person in the world who has never struggled in life. I share my feelings, my opinions, my beliefs, and my thoughts. Wanna know something? Ask me. I can guarantee that I'll tell ya.

So, that's it: I'm me. Nothing more, nothing less. Precisely Pate.

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