Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantine Days 1-41

I've been meaning to blog about quarantine so that I wouldn't forget all of these days, but I'm just now getting around to it. So here we go.... Days 1-41!

As most of you know, I am in nursing school. I am currently in my second semester and this has definitely been the most challenging semester thus far. Add in this  Corona Madness and it's a wonder I'm still somehow surviving. On March 16, we started the transition to "remote learning." The first few days, everyone was still really unsure of how all of this would play out because nursing is designed to be an in-person program. With all of the virus stuff going on, we weren't allowed to have in-person class, but we also weren't able to complete clinical experiences. This has been difficult for sure, but I officially have less than 2 weeks until this semester wraps up, so I'm praying I survive these final few days!

Day 1 (3/16/20): While everything was on the verge of shutting down, restaurants had not quite made the transition to carry-out or drive thru only, but it was heading in that direction. We had already planned Piper's birthday party to be at the local Mexican restaurant with a small group of family. Because restaurants were starting to close and things were starting to look serious, we decided to order carry-out and have her party at our aunt's house instead. This worked well and we were all able to still be together. I am thankful we got to do this because at this point, none of us imagined that the quarantine would last this long, so this was one last night of "normalcy".

Day 4 (3/19/20): With today being Josie's birthday, Piper & I had already made plans to go pick up some lunch and eat it with Josie on her lunch break. Because of all of the changes, we had to drive thru (Josie picked McDonald's) and eat in our cars, but we still had a lot of fun!

Day 5 (3/20/20): Tonight we celebrated Josie's birthday with our family (don't worry-there was only 8 of us, so we were following the less than 10 people rule). We ordered food from a local hibachi restaurant and it was AMAZING. We timed this perfectly, though, because they ended up closing the very next day.

Day 6 (3/21/20): Tonight we celebrated my Nonny's birthday with our family (again, only 8 of us). We had originally planned to celebrate it on 3/7, her actual birthday, but because of our Lady Eagles going to the REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, we ate supper out on her actual birthday and supported our Lady Eagles, and postponed the party until later.

The next week was my "Spring Break" from school. I had no assignments, which was nice, but we still, of course, couldn't go anywhere because of the quarantine and shutdowns. This week, Mom, Dad, Piper, & I implemented movie/game nights each week where one of us picks what movie we watch and/or what game we play each night and we take turns choosing.

Day 16 (3/31/20): Today was my birthday! :-) While it was a MUCH different birthday than usual, I still had a wonderful day! I started the morning off with breakfast from Wendy's with Josie. She drove thru and got our food, and then we met in a parking lot and talked through the windows of our cars. We had so much fun and it was so nice to be able to talk and catch up. Also, I LOVE Wendy's breakfast-it's amazing! When I got back home, I opened my gifts from Mom, Dad, & Piper and we watched I Love Lucy while we ate Breakfast Casserole for lunch. We watched more I Love Lucy and then took naps. Then we ordered carry-out Los Pinos for supper and watched ALF. We had Mom's amazing cherry cheesecake for dessert and watched more ALF. Then, Mom made non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiris for us to drink!

Day 25 (4/9/20): Piper made the decision around 1:30 am to be baptized and become a member of the Lord's church! We are so thankful for her decision and very proud of her! (A fellow member of the church and someone I look up to wrote a post explaining what baptism is and why it is essential to salvation. To read Emily's post, click Here.)

The other days have been filled with lots of random memories made at home. We've enjoyed spending time with the horses that live next door to us, we've had more game nights and movie nights, and we've also taken drives just to get out of the house. We've spent a LOT of time with our sweet doggies (and Miss Clara had surgery on her knee). The thing that I have without a doubt missed the most is my church family. Being able to go to church and worship and fellowship is such a blessing and so very important. I miss it and I miss being with my church family so bad. I am very thankful for the opportunity to use technology to have a similar worship service at home, and we have enjoyed "visiting" area congregations and getting to hear other local preachers preach, but I am very very ready to be able to see and be around my church family again.

I've also had some time to try some new recipes and do lots of cooking! I've enjoyed it, and hope to cook even more once school is out for the semester! :-)

Bacon Cheeseburger Sliders

Homemade French Fries

Cheesy Pigs in a Blanket

Hamburger Steaks w/ Mushroom Gravy
w/ mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and crescent rolls

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza

Breakfast Pizza

Saturday, January 4, 2020

2018 > 2019 > 2020: Striving to be more like Him

I ended 2019 with a much different mindset than I did in 2018. This time last year, I was harboring a lot of hurt feelings. I had experienced some hurt feelings at the hands of individuals that I never expected to hurt me. I discovered some true colors and it took me a long time to learn to handle these new realities. Last year, I was angry. I was hurt. I was heartbroken. This year, while things are far from perfect, things have improved. Lots of prayers have been prayed and answers have been given. I received advice and guidance from a trusted individual and I have really studied on 1 Peter 5:7. Giving everything to God is still something that is not easy for me, but I am working on it. Used to when I would try to give things over to God, my thoughts would still be consumed by doubt, fear, and worry. This year I have improved at praying about something that is on my mind and then moving my thoughts elsewhere. Instead of praying about something and continuing to worry, I am working harder at praying about it and truly giving that burden to Him.
"...Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." -1 Peter 5:7
I was given two pieces of great advice, the first being "keep everyone an arm's length away." When you keep a respectful distance from people, you are less likely to be hurt. It was always easy for me to put so much trust in individuals that I was devastated when that trust was broken. Individuals, no matter who they may be, will disappoint us or hurt us at some point in our lives, some more than others. It's easy to have too much faith in an individual, and in reality we are having unfair expectations because human beings are imperfect.
"It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man." -Psalm 118:8
The second piece of advice I was given is that "it is better to be hurt than to hurt others." This one was a tough pill to swallow. It's not something that people today want to hear, it was far from what I, myself, wanted to hear. These days people like to say things about "doing what makes you happy" and such. Earlier this year I was in a place of hurt, disappointment, and heartbreak. When seeking guidance, I'm not going to kid you, I wanted to be told to do what was best/easiest for me, to do whatever prevented my loved ones and me from being hurt again. But, that's not the advice I got, and I am thankful for that now.

 When studying and reflecting on what/who I wanted to become, I quickly became overwhelmed. When trying to grow and better yourself as a person, it is easy to nitpick every single negative quality and beat yourself up in the process of trying to be better. I need to be more patient. I need to quit running late so often. I need to do better at controlling my facial expressions. I need to be more kind. I need to be more loving. I need to be more thoughtful about what words I use. Once you start listing everything you think needs improvement, it's easy to be hard on yourself and think "I will never get there." But, in reality, it's simple. There's one thing, and one thing only, you can add to your list that encompasses everything: Become more like Jesus. When I strive to live more like Jesus each day, that's my ultimate goals all rolled into one. When I'm trying to be like Jesus, I am trying to be more patient, more kind, more loving, etc. And this brings me back to the second piece of advice I received: Jesus took the hurt instead of hurting others. Jesus held the mentality "it's better to be hurt than to hurt others." Jesus was kind to others, even when they weren't kind in return. Jesus was honest with others, even if they were dishonest in return. Jesus was patient with others, even when they were impatient in return. So this is my ultimate goal: Become more like Him. He left "big shoes to fill", so to speak, but He left us guidance through His Word and He forgives and He allows us the avenue of prayer, which I'm working on focusing more on this year and in the years to come.

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps." -1 Peter 2:21
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 2:3-8
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another." -John 13:34
"The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked." -1 John 2:6
"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven you." -Ephesians 4:32

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Needless to say I've kinda been MIA when it comes to blogging lately. The biggest reasons are:

1. My computer has been messed up lately (for a while) but thanks to some lovely people from church, it is up and running again!

2. Life has been busy! After 2 years of working at the bank, I started a new job this summer! I now work at a local clothing store and work a few afternoons a week there. Also, school has started and I started NURSING SCHOOL about 4 or 5 weeks ago! :-) To say that it has been a little crazy would be an understatement! Getting back into the swing of having school every day during the week has taken some adjusting since before I only had school 2 days a week and could work the rest since I was only taking prerequisites. Now, the real deal has begun and school is every day and is intense. While it is stressful trying to keep up with due dates and content and stuff, it's also very, very exciting! Knowing that just 3 semesters (plus the remainder of this semester) stand between me and my dream of becoming a nurse is so crazy to me! 2 years from now and I will, Lord willing, be working as an RN and it's just so surreal. I can't wait!

That's all for now, but I am going to do my best to keep up with blogging because I love looking back and remembering things and being reminded of memories!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Disney Cruise Day 4 {Marvel Day at Sea}

Okay, this was by far my fave day!! I'd never been on a cruise with Marvel Day at Sea and it was absolutely amazing!

Today we woke up around 9 and then went to eat the breakfast buffet at Cabana's. It was all super good-like I'm pretty sure you can't find any "bad" food on any Disney property. My favorite was the hashbrowns.

After breakfast we went to lay out on the pool deck to get some sun and watch the Marvel shows/movies that they had showing on the Funnel Vision above the pool.

We chilled out for most of the day and then went and got ready for dinner/shows early because we had a reservation to meet the superheros at 3:45. :-)

We waited in line to meet Spiderman, Black Panther, and Ironman. It was super awesome! The costumes looked great and it was just amazing!

After we met them, we went to a Mickey and Friends Superhero Party which was a tad childish haha. It was neat seeing the characters (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, & Pluto) in this show because they all had superhero tshirts on, but the show itself felt like a flash back to those elementary school "say no to drugs" things we used to have to watch! haha!

After this, we went to watch the nightly show which turned out to only be for kids too haha! Dr. Strange taught us qualities that superheros possess and taught us how to open portals with hula hoops LOL.

Afterwards, we went to eat supper at Lumiere's where they had their Marvel Night menu. While we were waiting to enter the restaurant, Groot, Gamora, and Star Lord on top of the balcony! So neat!

For my appetizer I tried the crab cakes! I'd never tried that before and they were pretty good! I was impressed!

For my soup I tried the Mushroom soup which I was a tad nervous about but it was actually really good too. (Once you learn to step out of your comfort zone a little bit and get used to all the fancy wording on the menus, ordering food is less intimidating haha!)

For my entree I ordered the ribeye and vegetables which was really awesome as well.

For dessert I ordered some apple crumble thing which was good, but had a really strong cinnamon flavor which I couldn't handle much of. Very good, but a little goes a long way. ha!

After this, we went to the Marvel live show and Y'ALL!! It was ah-mazing! I was super pumped to get home and show Mom & Dad the video I got of the show because it was absolutely amazing! Stan Lee even made an appearance in the video somehow and it was just so sweet!

Disney Cruise Day 3 {Grand Cayman, Pirate Night}

[Disclaimer: my memory and details on this day are going to be a little less descriptive just because as hard as I try to enjoy it, Pirate Night is just not my favorite. I guess I'm just not that into it? I always enjoy the shows and stuff but I just don't get as excited about Pirate Night like everyone else seems to. haha]

This was the day that the boat docked in Grand Cayman. Brianna got off the boat and toured around the island but I decided to stay on the boat and go to the Princess Gathering to meet some of the princesses and then go lay by the pool. There was also a Carnival Cruise ship and another Disney cruise ship (the Fantasy) docked at Grand Cayman when we were there. I wanted so badly to just be able to tour the Fantasy to see what it looked like in comparison to the Dream and the Magic.

At the Princess Gathering, I met Rapunzel, Cinderella, Belle, Tiana, & Ariel. I got pictures with each one but the lighting was awful and I quickly deleted all of them haha.

I went and grabbed lunch from Donald's Duck-In and then laid in a chair on the deck by the pool and watched the movie on the big screen.

After Brianna got back I went to try and watch part of Ralph Breaks the Internet but the movie had already started so we went and played Disney trivia again in the Promenade Lounge. 

We went back to the room to get dressed a little earlier today because there was a Pirate Show that afternoon that we didn't want to miss.

The nightly show that night was called "JunNk" and I honestly wasn't too impressed. It looked like it was going to be an acapella group but they didn't really sing they just kind of made cave man noises?? I was super confused the whole time haha.

After the nightly show, it was time for the Pirate Night show on the pool deck with fireworks! This show was not like the one I remember on the Disney Dream because Jack Sparrow was not part of this show at all. However, Captain Mickey as well as Captain Hook and Mr. Smee made an appearance and I love fireworks so it was alright.

Afterwards, we went back to Rapunzel's Royal Table for dinner but the dinner tonight was pirate themed. The food was really really good! Click here to see the Pirate Night menu!

For my appetizer I ordered the Smoked Saucisson. It was okay but I remember it being different.

For my salad I ordered the Romaine Wedge except I got Honey Mustard for the dressing instead of Thousand Island.

For the Main Course I ordered Tia Dalma's Jerk Chicken. This was really really good!

For dessert I ordered the Banana Bread. It was good too, but tasted more like cake instead of bread.

I couldn't find any of these pictures but I'm sure you could google them. :-)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Disney Cruise: Day 2 {Day at Sea}

Today was a day at sea and we kind of just chilled because we were kind of worn out from the day full of traveling/go-go-go busy day on Sunday. I woke up around 10:30 (totally did NOT mean to sleep that late, though haha!) and then went to eat at the food places up on the pool deck. They had Donald's duck-in and Pinocchio's Pizza on one deck and then on the other they had Daisy's Delites and Cabana's.

For lunch that day we ate from Donald's/Pinocchio's. Cheeseburger and fries from Donald's and the best slice of BBQ chicken pizza from  Pinocchio's. We kinda just chilled by the pool until later that afternoon and watched the movies they had on the Funnel Vision (which was the big movie screen above the pool). We were able to see the border of Cuba as we sailed by.

Then, we went to play Disney movie trivia in the Promenade Lounge (got 16/20 correct!) and then watched Jack Jack's Diaper Dash which is where they race babies as they crawl across the floor in the lobby of the ship. Usually the babies take off crawling but this time 5 out of 5 babies cried! Haha! 

After that, we went to watch Mary Poppins Returns in Walt Disney Theater. I LOVE that movie!

As we were walking across the ship after the movie we ran into Mickey and the gang dancing through the ship. :-)

Afterwards, we headed back to the room to get dressed for the show and dinner.

Tonight, the show was Tangled: The Musical! If you know me at all, you know that Tangled is my FAVE movie, Rapunzel is my fave princess, and Flynn is my fave prince!! I was PUMPED about the show and dinner following at Rapunzel's Royal Table. Click HERE to watch Tangled: The Musical.

The entrance to the restaurant was amazing too because it looked like you walked right into the movie!

Y'all, my dreams came true when we ate at Rapunzel's Royal Table. haha. The restaurant was beautiful and I got to meet Rapunzel and Flynn (for the first time.) We were walking through and I totally caved in to my inner child for a moment when I saw Rapunzel because I elbowed Brianna and squealed "THERE'S RAPUNZEL!" hahaha.

For my appetizer, I ordered the Ravioli Tiroler which was "Filled with pulled beef and portobello mushrooms tossed in a Red Wine Thyme reduction served with roasted carrots and pearled onions.

For my soup/salad I ordered Potato Cream Soup (y'all, I'm ALL about some potato soup haha) and it was delicious. Loved it!!

For my entree I ordered Captain of the Guards Prime Rib of Beef which was with a "Double Baked Potato, Broccoli, Sweet Roasted Carrots, and a Red-Wine Veal Sauce." This was super good too. The potatoes were super cool looking and it was all delicious!

For dessert, I ordered Rapunzel's Fry Pan Sweet Bread, and tbh y'all I saw that it came in a frying pan and was like "I want that!" It was delicious too but I was honestly pumped that it came in a frying pan haha. 

While we ate, Flynn & Rapunzel and some of the guys from the Snuggly Ducking sang/performed. They apparently wanted us to sing along and dance but I missed the memo and kept eating and "got in trouble" by one of the Snuggly Ducking guys haha. He said "So, that's the girl who'd rather keep eating than participate in our songs." hahaha.

this day was probably my favorite because I love love love Tangled and this was like a dream come true honestly. :-)